Natural Fracture Characterization
Our fracture services cover following:
- Natural fracture and fault interpretation on any type of image log
- Description of natural fractures and faults on core and outcrop
- Fracture classification and dip analysis
- Differentiating open fractures from healed ones
- Natural fractures and drilling-induced fractures
- Understanding fractures and their relationships to seismic fault systems
- Relative ages of multiple fracture systems
- Conceptual paleostress and fracture/fault model(s)
- Fracture density and aperture estimation
- Fracture porosity and perm estimation with dynamic data calibration
- Analysis of natural fracture/fault impact on well performance by integrating dynamic production data
- Fracture facies analysis and relative rock fracability in shales
- Predicting fracture facies using conventional open-hole logs & 3D modeling techniques
- Fracture data input for well completion design
- Recommendations on optimal well placement for horizontal wells to either maximize fracture penetration if fractures have positive impact on production, or minimize fracture penetration if it might have negative impacts on well productivity