- Geological features observed on core are very valuable. However acquiring an oriented core to interpret their dip and strike is often too costly.
Our Solution
- Whole core output from CT-Scan images can be accurately oriented using Ori-CORE® integrating borehole images.
- An example from Wolfcamp shale is provided above. Electrical borehole images are displayed in tracks 1 (static) and 3 (dynamic) with picked geological features (dark green – bedding and blue-fault) also shown. Interpreted tadpole plot from borehole images is presented on track 4. Oriented whole core with interpreted geological features (green-bedding and purple-fault) is presented on track 5. Estimated dip/azimuth for each feature on core are displayed on track 6 and oriented but non-interpreted core images on track 7;
- It is noted that the estimated dip/azimuth (track 6) for the geological features based on oriented core are very close to those same features being picked on borehole images (track 4). This provides proof that the whole core is accurately oriented. In general, more detailed geological features can be observed on core than on borehole images because core has better resolution.
The added value for this core orientation service include:
- Any linear geological feature observed on core can be interpreted with dip/azimuth estimated;
- Borehole images can be best calibrated and understood which is beneficial for image interpretation in non-cored wells.